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Mimi Spencer - The Fast Diet

#товара: 10148083787

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Обложка мягкая

Год выпуска Две тысячи десять

Название The Fast Diet The official 52 diet

Автор Michael Mosley

Издательство inne (short books)

Количество страниц Двести двадцать четыре

Ширина 13 см

Высота изделия 20 см

name Счет-фактура

name Я выставляю счет-фактуру НДС

Количество 7 штук

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    • Wymiary (zbliżone):    wys:  20 cm szer: 13 cm
    • Ilość stron: 224
    • Stan: DB++
    • OPIS:

    IS IT POSSIBLE TO EAT WELL, MOST OF THE TIME, AND GET SLIMMER AND HEALTHIER AS YOU DO IT? WITH THE FAST DIET IT IS. This radical new approach to weight loss is the diet that everyone is talking about. It really is as simple as it sounds: you eat normally five days a week, then for just two days you cut your calories (500 for women, 600 for men). Scientific trials of Intermittent Fasting have shown that it will not only help the pounds fly off but also lower your risk of a range of diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Dr Michael Mosley, the medical journalist whose BBC Horizon programme alerted the world to the Intermittent Fasting phenomenon, presents the fascinating science behind the 5:2 diet. Mimi Spencer, award-winning food and fashion writer, explains the practicalities of how to go about it. The Fast Diet also includes a calorie counter and a whole section of 'Fast 500' and 'Fast 600' menu plans which will enable you to incorporate this groundbreaking weight-loss system into your daily life.


    Więcej ciekawych książek takich autorów jak: Tom Clancy, Stephen King, Dan Brown, Peter James, Josephine Cox, William Shakespeare Jacqueline Wilson,  Karen McCombie, Gwyneth Rees,  Enid Blyton i wielu innych.

    Nasza oferta aktualizowana jest na bieżąco, więc jeśli nie znajdziesz swojej ulubionej książki, jej wydania czy kolejnego tytułu z danej serii - spróbuj ponownie w następnego dnia bądź tygodnia.

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