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Название The Cuban Approach
Автор Lamacraft Paquita Ann
Материал бумажная книга
Обложка мягкая
Год выпуска Две тысячи восемнадцать
Вес с индивидуальной упаковкой 0.463 кг
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Количество страниц Триста сорок шесть
Ширина 15.2 см
Высота изделия 22.9 см
Количество 99 штук
The Cuban Approach has nothing to do with missiles. Instead, this is an adventure into self-healing that shows the power of free time away from everyday distractions. We travel throughout the countryside of Cuba, gaining insights into the lives one doesn't usually see as a tourist. It is a trip punctuated by vignettes of the author's life- one not that easy. It will inspire you with the resilience, positive outlook and grit it reveals.
‘The Cuban Approach’ is a great place to start in developing the art of letting go. It is also a delightfully entertaining adventure.
[Stamp,9781999627324,5/20/2023 11:41:17 PM]