1. Культура и развлечения
  2. Газеты
  3. Культура, искусство

3x HOLO magazine: HOLO 1 (New Perspectives), 2 (IF/THEN), 3 (Mirror Stage)

#товара: 15642847252

Все товары продавца: Rowerek_Hoffmana

Состояние Бывший в употреблении

Фактура Не я выставляю счета-фактуры

Язык издания английский

Год выпуска Две тысячи шестнадцать

Название 3x HOLO magazin

Издательство inne (HOLO Media Inc.)

Номер журнала Один

Количество 1 штук

  • Количество

  • Проблемы? Сомнения? Вопросы? Задайте вопрос!

    Sprzedam trzy numery magazynu HOLO. Wydanie 1 jest rzadkim przedmiotem kolekcjonerskim i niedostępnym nigdzie indziej; kopia ta jest oryginalnie zafoliowana. Wydania 2 i 3 są nadal dostępne w sprzedaży i dołączam je do tego zestawu.

    Poniżej znajdziesz szczegółowe informacje:

    HOLO 1

    New Perspectives: A Survey of Perceptual Paradigms

    Searching for agency in the post-Snowden era of mass surveillance and powerful computer vision systems, a cast of key interdisciplinary voices analzye eroding privacy, the proliferation of computational aesthetics, and our increasingly augmented realities. Also: artist encounters, a digital art history lesson, and tales from the dawn of computer graphics


    Release: April 2014

    Dimensions: 220 x 290 mm

    Pages: 226

    HOLO 1 is printed in and shipped from Berlin (DE)

    ISSN 2292-0919


    HOLO 2

    If/Then: True Randomness

    and False Certainty

    Thirteen multidisciplinary thinkers probe the ubiquity of randomness across culture and science. Considering markets, weather systems, evolutionary leaps, and world generation in videogames, the invited contributors trace the contours of chance, ‘luck,’ and random number generation from its Cold War military-industrial complex origins to contemporary software art.


    Release: November 2016

    Dimensions: 220 x 290 mm

    Pages: 236

    Included: Paper random number generator, gate-fold timeline

    HOLO 2 is printed in and shipped from Berlin (DE)

    ISSN 2292-0919


    HOLO 3

    Mirror Stage:

    Between Computability

    and Its Opposite

    Guest editor Nora N. Khan and fifteen luminaries question our problematic faith in and deference to AI. Exploring the limits of knowledge, prediction, language, and abstraction in computation, their collected essays and artworks measure the gap between machine learning hypotheticals and the mess of lived experience.


    Release: May 2022

    Dimensions: 170 x 240 mm

    Pages: 228

    Specials: Silver-foiled flap brochure,

    open thread-sewn binding

    HOLO 3 is printed in and shipped from Berlin (DE)

    ISSN 2292-0919

    Корзина 0